Thursday, April 1, 2010

Week 13: Potato, Fennel and Garlic Frittata

It's Thursday! The weeks go by quickly and our Sunday night frittata has pretty much turned into any night we can squeeze it in. Yesterday after a nice country walk with a friend and the pup, we stopped at Terhune Orchards to browse around. I bought some delicious guacamole, chips and a lovely fennel bulb. Armed with the bulb I looked for a frittata recipe that uses fennel. After a quick Google search, I came across the below recipe published in The Boca Raton News, September of 1994.

This frittata was good. I followed the directions pretty closely, with a couple little cook time changes. One of my complaints in this recipe is the cook time for the potatoes, it was not enough time, they were a slight bit underdone even after I cooked them for about 5 minutes longer than directed. I also cooked the garlic slices for a bit longer, slightly browning them, yum. The fennel added a lovely flavor to the frit as did the jarlsburg cheese—bubbling and delicious on top!

Preparing the potatoes and fennel and the finished frit below. We kept it simple and served this with an arugula, carrot and tomato salad.

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